
Recommended Apps, Courses and Books

List of a variety of useful apps, mental health self help tools and books.


Problem Solving Worksheet

Worksheet to assist in identifying and de-escalating worries and problems.


Relaxation Tip Sheet

Learning to relax is essential for coping with stress, anxiety and depression. The physical, emotional and mental benefits of relaxation have been well studied and documented. Download the relaxation tip sheet for the benefits of relaxation and ideas for how to relax.

Sleep Tip Sheet

A lack of sleep can result in irritability, inability to think clearly, and amplification of emotions and problems. Sleep is often disturbed during times of distress. Download this information sheet for some tips for improving the quality and quantity of sleep.

Relaxation Audio Track

This is a  25 minute progressive muscle relaxation recording to download to your computer, phone or listening device. Daily listening, especially before bed can improve physical and mental health, and reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

Getting Back to Sleep Audio Track

Insomnia can be very debilitating. This 15 minute audio track may assist with falling asleep and may also result in a less disturbed sleep.